119 Anzac Avenue
Redcliffe, QLD 4020
Parking at rear via Mcaneny street
Ph: (07) 3883 2400
Fax: (07) 3883 2337
119 Anzac Avenue
Redcliffe, QLD 4020
Parking at rear via Mcaneny street
Ph: (07) 3883 2400
Fax: (07) 3883 2337
119 Anzac Avenue
Redcliffe, QLD 4020
Parking at rear via Mcaneny street
Ph: (07) 3883 2400
Fax: (07) 3883 2337

About Us


About Us
Zillmere Denture Clinic has been owned and operated by Dental Prosthetist Denise Toovey for the past 25 years. The first 8 years of the business was in a small clinic at the Zillmere Railway Station end of Zillmere Road, and the next 12 years in Beckman Street, Zillmere. Zillmere Denture Clinic is now located at Shop 3, 67 Dunsford Street, Zillmere on Brisbane's northside.
In April of 2020 Dental Prosthetist James McNab took ownership of the business. James McNab has been a Dental Prosthetist for the past 50 years and has successfully owned and operated Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic located on Redcliffe Peninsula since 2007 alongside his wife & Practice Manager Jessica, Office Manager Amelia and Dental Technicians Vanessa and Sasha.
Together, our team look forward to providing extensive knowledge and professional denture care to all our patients.
James R McNab - Dental Prosthetist/Dental Technician. Adv.Dip.D.P (Syd); Dip.D.T (Syd)
James began his dental studies in 1968 where he attended TAFE, the Brisbane Dental Hospital and the Children’s Dental Hospital before graduating in 1971. He then served in the Australian Defence Force for two years as an Army Dental Corp. James served at various State Government Dental Health Clinics including Dalby, Mundubbera, Barcaldine,
Roma, Chinchilla and Tara.
He then moved to Brisbane to join a private Dental Laboratory as head of ‘Chrome Partial Department’. For over 20 years James owned and operated Kelmac Dental Laboratories, employing 46 staff at one point. During this time James also served as the President of the Australian Dental Laboratories Association (ADLA) Queensland and as a selector for the TAFE Dental Technicians course.​ James later served as the Government appointed Deputy Chairman of the Dental Technicians and Dental Prosthetist’s Board of Queensland and was announced as co-chairman of the joint Dental Council Queensland.

He became a member of the Australian Dental Prosthetist Association Queensland (ADPAQ). In 1990 James became a practicing Queensland Dental Prosthetist after he sat and passed all examinations at the University of Queensland Dental School. For over 25 years James presented various dental lectures and demonstrations in not only Australia, but also China. In 2002 he moved to China and established the first Western Standard Dental Clinic in Nanjing before moving back to Australia in 2007 to establish Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic. He then went on to successfully achieve a Diploma of Dental Technology and an Advanced Diploma of Dental Prosthetics from the New South Wales Randwick College. James served on the ADPA Queensland Executive Committee and became Vice-President for over 3 years.
At present he continues to own and operate Anzac Avenue Denture clinic as well as Zillmere denture Clinic alongside his wife/Practice Manager Jessica, Office Manager/Dental Assistant Amelia, and Laboratory Technicians Vanessa & Sasha. James continues to learn new skills by attending multiple seminars, conferences and lectures to provide the most advanced product possible for his patients.
Jessica - Practice Manager/Accountant
Jessica is the first face as you walk through the door, she is not only the Practice Manager but also a qualified Accountant with over 25 years experience in the industry.​ She understands how the business operates and is able to answer any questions that you may have regarding your denture needs.

Amelia (Millie) - Office Manager/Dental Assistant
Amelia has worked for James McNab as a Dental Receptionist/Assistant since October of 2014. She will also assist you with any surgical needs or questions you may have. Amelia has extensive knowledge of the denture needs of our patients & is happy to assist you.

Vanessa and Sasha - Qualified Dental Technicians
Vanessa and Sasha are our dedicated Laboratory Technicians. They strive to create the highest quality personalised dentures with their immaculate attention to detail. All of our dentures are constructed and processed in our on site laboratory.